The infertility , is the inability to achieve pregnancy, has a high cost on a personal level and even at the social level.
On a personal level implies, a priori, the loss of the opportunity to live a life experience for which we are biologically and culturally programmed in general terms. Most people under that program, we build our life script in which we are forming a family, developing our role as parents and we have assumed that our self-concept as adults often revolves around this idea. When this pathway breaks a vacuum occurs and confusion entering the grieving couple on many occasions. Many outgrow naturally but others suffer in their self-esteem, reaching altered their emotional balance, and their relationship with the environment.
As for the social cost, plus fewer and fewer children are born, with the consequent reversal of the social pyramid and aging of the population, if we consider that 20% of couples have problems with fertility and treatments and requiring medication are very expensive, the cost is very high administration for not preventing these cases.
Couples should be informed, especially women. Your gynecologist should report on the prevention of infertility. For this arrival certain age, I say that after 30 years, should be made a test of ovarian reserve . From 35 egg quality plummets and there are many women who have an early menopause . In addition , many confuse with menopause and infertility can menstruating until age 50 and not being able to be a mother from much earlier.
There should be frequent information campaigns run by health centers and family planning and education programs as well as other issues should be studied biology and prevent infertility are studied. It is important to be aware of the consequences of diminished ovarian reserve.
Ovarian reserve test
     A test to check ovarian reserve is very simple. It involves taking a blood sample to detect the value of AMH and an ultrasound to count antral follicles. In addition HAM hormone can be studied independently of the day of the cycle, so it is a more comfortable test that the analysis of other, requiring multiple takes and on certain days of the cycle.
If these rates are good you can take a little more calm. If not have to think about getting a search or preserve fertility
Preserving Fertility
     Preserving fertility involves stimulating the woman for oocyte production in order to extract and crioconservarlos. When it comes time to get pregnant these oocytes desvitrifican, treatment be carried out in vitro fertilization or ICSI , ie fertilized with the sperm of the partner or donor and transferred. Of course you can do the same man. In fact it carries sperm vitrification becoming very long time.
People who show some room features should be especially careful and prevent, in order to have more chances of having a child:
People who are undergoing cancer treatment
Women whose mothers have had early menopause
man whose parents have had severe problems seminal quality
Women with associated problems such as endometriosis
People who have suffered sexually transmitted diseases
Women who do not want to be mothers before 35
It is important to improve our fertility regularly visit the gynecologist and made a study of ovarian reserve.
It is also important to follow all the rules of healthy living, avoid harmful habits such as snuff, alcohol and too much coffee, exercise regularly, stay healthy and with a good emotional adjustment, avoid stress and as far as possible an active and positive sexual life.
All this contributes to a high vitality and a proper emotional state that is useful for achieving pregnancy.
Recommendations to preserve fertility and prevent infertility :
1. In infancy, children should be vaccinated against mumps or mumps , since that after adolescence or adulthood disease can have terrible consequences in the factory alter sperm and testicular function.
 2. Reduce the consumption of substances containing chemicals , including snuff and illicit substances such as marijuana that can interfere with sperm functions. Moreover, consumption of snuff has been associated with the issue, because not only produce reproductive dysfunction, but also decreases the effectiveness of the treatments that are performed against infertility.
3. Minimize the risk of acquiring sexually TRANSMITION. From an early age, man must take preventive measures, avoiding promiscuity and properly using condoms because some diseases can affect conditions semen.
4. Reduce exposure to high temperatures testicular , particularly in men who work in trades such as pilots, drivers, among others. This factor contributes to inadequate production of sperm.
5. Exposure to environmental pollutants or chemicals that can damage the hormone receptors and testicular function gland, which causes a number of suitable sperm does not occur.

"The psychological impact involved receive the news that the cause reproductive dysfunction in man, brings feelings of guilt and connotes mourning. It is therefore very important to have adequate counseling partner, show that is a common theme in the male population and that there are solutions very effective techniques and scientific "says Rueda.

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