Assisted reproduction techniques have not only improved over the years, but more and more couples are turning to them to get their much desired baby. The application of these techniques has allowed more thorough know what are the causes why a couple does not get pregnant and therefore preventing infertility.
The knowledge that brings experience in treating infertility is what allows preventive medicine in this topic. For example, when a woman has polycystic ovary syndrome, are known to reduce your body weight by 10%, ovulation occurs again spontaneously.
The simplest steps experts recommend to prevent infertility are: practice safe sex, not to delay the age for having children, not smoke or use drugs or alcohol, maintain a body weight within normal parameters, exercise and, ultimately, bring a healthy and balanced life.
On the other hand, although the psychological impact of infertility is very difficult to quantify, itself is shown to negatively affect the chances of conception. Psychological care of couples suffering from stress, anxiety or anxiety about the frustration of not being able to have a baby, it is very effective to reverse this problem.
The best prevention to avoid infertility is to do routine checkups. Cytology, ultrasound or annual mammogram, measuring blood pressure ... and man, also should get checked. It is the duty of professional education on the prevention and our duty to our health care in order to avoid any problems.
Tips for prevention of infertility
     Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant despite having unprotected sex for at least 1 year and many of its causes are not preventable, but here we give you some tips that may help you.
Usually, most types of infertility , both the man and the woman can not be avoided because they are derived from a genetic complication; however, sometimes there are some environmental factors that influence the development of this complication. For this, there are some steps that can be taken to prevent infertility.
More Tips for prevention of infertility:
     Avoid very hot and steam baths. In the case of men an element that can affect sperm production and sperm motility ( ability to move ) is the high temperature. Excessive heat causes a temporary effect, but still best avoided.
Exercise moderately. Regular exercise is important, but if you are exercising too hard, this can cause your periods are rare or even nonexistent.
Avoid extremes weight. Remember that being overweight or underweight can affect your hormone production and cause infertility.
Avoid alcohol , cigarettes and drugs. These substances can affect your ability to conceive and have a pregnancy healthy (or your partner have it ). Do not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. Avoid illegal drugs such as marijuana or cocaine , for example, because all these elements affect the proper functioning of your reproductive system and other parts of your body, it is essential not do it for prevention of infertility.
Limit caffeine. It is important that those who try to achieve pregnancy limit your caffeine intake to no more than 200 milligrams a day ( 1 to 2 cups of coffee).
Limit consumption of drugs. The use of remedies without prescription can decrease the likelihood of achieving pregnancy or maintain it . If you're in fertility treatment, talk to your doctor about any medications you are taking regularly.
Having a responsible sexuality. It is especially important for women to use condoms to prevent sexually transmitted diseases that can affect the fallopian tubes.
Become a regular gynecological control. It is important that this is carried out from the beginning of sexual life, because you can attack possible factors that prevent you get pregnant and maintain the prevention of infertility.
Evaluate either a gynecological surgery. In the case of women is advisable to evaluate well the indications and specialists before undergoing gynecological surgery, it could affect your future fertility.
Seriously consider permanent sterilization. If you are a man who is unsure about whether he would become a father or are thinking of permanent sterilization - vasectomy -, do not submit to it the product of a pulse, because although surgery to reverse this condition is possible, risks involving could affect fertility in other ways that are not yet entirely clear.
In the last decade the role of assisted reproduction has changed radically. Not only the number of people who use it has exploded, but the technique has been perfected, gaining in safety and efficacy. Of learning at this time it appears that some lifestyle changes can prevent or reverse many cases of infertility .
In the last ten years the demand for infertility treatments has increased by 25 percent . Delaying the age of first pregnancy, the greater desire and acceptance of single women to have a child, the arrival of marriages from countries with more restrictive laws or improving the safety and effectiveness of the techniques are some of the causes that explain this increase.
     The simplest prevention of infertility refer to non - smoking, delaying the age of first motherhood and maintain a body weight within normal parameters.
For instance, "it is known that in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) reduction of 10 percent of body weight ovulation returns spontaneously .More punctual, but equally effective in reversing conception problems is the psychological care to couples with fertility problems. While the psychological impact of infertility is difficult to quantify, it is known to adversely affect the chances of conception of the couple.

Finally, thanks to advances, techniques for freezing oocytes , or even ovarian tissue , will allow reverse many hidden ovarian failure by infections, endometriosis, PCOS or cancer treatments. Similarly, many of the causes behind the abortions of repetition and can be diagnosed and cured.

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